10th Grade - LFBC Homeschool Curriculum

Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum

SKU: B150

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Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum
Words of Christ in Red:
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LFBC is proud to present this first-class, academically sound, easy-to-use 10th Grade program, written and published by fundamental Baptists through the ministry of a fundamental Baptist church. Much prayer, diligent effort, experience, and sacrifice have gone into the production of this program, and it is our prayer that it will be a blessing to many, serving as a firm foundation for a lifelong pursuit of learning.

Contains the core subjects of Bible Doctrines, English, World History, Literature, Math, and Science. Each subject packet contains all the information needed for the student and teacher. Material is self-paced.

Click on the link below to view the Scope & Sequence for LFBC Homeschool Curriculum. From the Table of Contents you can click on the Subject/Grade:
Scope & Sequence

B150 Bible Grade 10 - Bible Doctrines:
While unashamedly taught from the historical Baptist perspective, this course on doctrine emphasizes what the Word of God, the King James Bible, has to say on every issue presented. Each week extensive work is done by the student with the Bible. A Bible verse appropriate to the text for memorization is also included.

E150 English Grade 10 - English II
Tenth grade English includes a review of parts of speech, punctuation, vocabulary improvement, capitalization and punctuation, and phonics. It also has guidelines for preparing and delivering a devotional.

H250 History Grade 10 - World History:
This course is a high school treatment of World History, also written by Dr. Phil Stringer. This course covers ancient civilizations, development of modern nations, and recent world events. It presents Biblical philosophies for understanding such issues as origins, nationalism, the rise of unscriptural religions, communism, and the purposes of government. H250 is one full year worth one full credit.

L150 Literature Grade 10 - John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress:
John Bunyan wrote this incomparable classic Christian allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress, while in the Bedford jail for preaching the gospel without a license from the government. The student’s spiritual insights will grow as a result of this year’s experience. The writing style and vocabulary also develop the student’s ability to read and understand the classic English of the King James Bible period. Each week contains vocabulary words; comprehension activities, and Bible memorization of a verse pertinent to the moral or practical lesson presented in the reading selection.

M150 Math Grade 10 - Geometry:
This is a study of form, position, and magnitude. As the student progresses in this study, he or she will come to a better understanding of the connective thread that ties all parts of this subject together. A knowledge of the vocabulary terms are explained so that the student can have an understanding of them in a geometric sense.

P950 Support - Geometry Solutionguide:
These guides offer step-by-step solutions to all multi-step problems. While the Studyguide Answers give the answers to the problems, the Solution Guides give detail to help you see how the problems are solved. This is a must for high school math teachers and homeschoolers.

S150 Science Grade 10 - Biology:
This high school biology course covers cellular structure, the chemistry of living tissues, and different phylum's of animals and classes of plants. It also discusses the biology and anatomy of the human body, as well as discussing a Christian viewpoint of biology.

All Landmark Freedom Baptist Curriculum (LFBC) uses only KJV Scripture.
