The Piano Classic Choruses CD features Piano Accompaniment CDs designed especially for Congregational Singing, featuring beautiful stereo piano accompaniment to 20 favorite choruses.
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We understand that many churches today find congregational music to be a big challenge because of one simple reason...they don't have a piano player. Now, thanks to Worship Service Resources, if your Church has a CD player you now have a Piano player too. This product is perfect for any size congregation or Sunday School class, no matter how big or small. Use it with a sophisticated sanctuary sound system or a compact portable boombox. This is the ultimate way to have piano accompaniment and congregational singing anywhere!
This CD includes:
1 All Hail King Jesus (2 times, C)
2 Emmanuel (2 times, C)
3 Faith in God Can Move a Mountain (2 times, F)
4 Glorify Thy Name (3 times, Bb)
5 God is So Good (3 times, Eb)
6 Great and Mighty (2 times, Eb)
7 He Has Made Me Glad (2 times, D, repeat chorus)
8 He is Exalted (2 times, F)
9 He is Lord (2 times, F)
10 He is My Everything (2 times, F)
11 His Name is Wonderful (2 times, F)
12 I Know the Lord Will Make a Way (2 times, F)
13 I Will Serve Thee (2 times, Eb)
14 Open Our Eyes (2 times, Eb)
15 Sanctuary (2 times, Eb)
16 Spirit of the Living God (2 times, F)
17 The Longer I Serve Him (2 times, Ab)
18 This is the Day (2 times, Eb)
19 We Have Come into His House (2 times, Eb)
20 Yes, Lord, Yes (2 times, Eb)
As with all DVD and CD products, this item is non-returnable.