3 Interesting Facts About the 1611 Bible
This version of the Bible as the world knows it is not only one of the oldest but one of the most misunderstood versions that are out there. The 1611 edition is what made the King James Bible so prominent throughout the world, even as it stands today. In most churches, what you will notice more than anything is the KJV being used over any other version, and that is for a good reason. Here are three interesting facts about the 1611 Bible that you may not have known but should know.
Brought Access of the Bible To the People
When King James authorized the 1611 version of the Bible to be made official, he did something wildly political. At the time, the Anglican Church of England had its own version of the Bible that could only be read by church officials and bishops in the Anglican Church. There was also another front where the Catholic influence was prevalent in England at the time, which meant that they had approved of the Anglican church’s Bible, but not of the church itself. They were working on taking it over until King James stepped in and appeased both parties by rewriting a version that would speak to both churches in such a way that both could read it and approve of it. This would bring about peace in the land and equanimity for some time within the kingdom.
One of the Greatest Works of All Time
The 1611 King James Bible is said to be one of the greatest literary works of all time, according to multiple sources throughout history. This Bible had come about at the time of the English Renaissance, which allowed it to catch as much attention as it did. With its beautiful calligraphy and artwork and its gorgeous prose, it took full advantage of middle English. This poetic way of reading gave prose to the text that would reach people’s minds and hearts as philosophical and poetic, yet spiritual and ethereal all at once.
Allowed English Language and Culture To Spread
One thing that came from the 1611 King James Bible version that many people may not be aware of is the influence it had on cultures worldwide. Because England was interested in conquest and spreading the gospel of Christianity, the KJV would find itself in the hands of many cultures worldwide where the native people of many lands would learn how to read it. Eventually, those people would become educated in both English and Christianity at once, which would further influence the impact Christianity had on the world. Therefore, English is one of the most spoken and written languages in modern times, and Christianity is one of the world’s dominating religions.
King James did a lot for the church, his homeland of England, and the world with the spread of Christianity and the English language. The impact that the 1611 version of the Bible had on the church alone was profound, as it brought together two entirely oppositional sects of the same religion. It also proved to be one of the most inspiring writings of all time. Hopefully, you enjoyed learning about the three most interesting facts about the 1611 Bible.