The 3 Different Branches of Christian Denominations

The 3 Different Branches of Christian Denominations

Many world religions contain different sects, denominations, or subgroups, including Christianity. While these divisions occur for various reasons, it’s important to learn about them so you can understand more about a particular world religion. For example, there are three different branches of Christian denominations: Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox. The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches consider themselves original, pre-denominational churches, while Protestants break into further denominations, such as Lutheran and Assemblies of God. Despite the divisions and sub-divisions, these branches all hold some common beliefs. Read on to learn about their common and diverging beliefs.

Catholic Beliefs

The Catholic church believes it is the original, pre-denominational church that Jesus appointed Peter to start (Matthew 16:18). Catholics believe Jesus was the holy Son of God, fully human and fully God, conceived of the Holy Spirit part of the Trinity and born of the Virgin Mary. He never sinned but suffered crucifixion and death, and was resurrected three days after dying. Forty days after his resurrection, they believe he ascended into Heaven and that his virginal mother was assumed into Heaven at the end of her earthly life.

During each mass, Catholics receive the Eucharist from their priest. They believe the Eucharist contains the literal body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus. In order to receive the Eucharist, believers must make a public confession of their faith in Christianity and agreement with the Catholic church, such as acknowledging the authority of the pope.

Protestant Beliefs

The Protestant branch of Christianity didn’t exist until the Reformation in 1517. Martin Luther, a Catholic priest and monk, sought to reform the Catholic church in order to improve it. Protestants eventually broke away completely from the Catholic church, although they continue to share common beliefs about who Jesus is and what he did. However, they do not believe Mary remained a perpetual virgin and believe in a metaphorical communion instead of the literality of the Eucharist.

Within Protestant Christianity, you will find various other beliefs. For example, Lutherans have their own Large and Small Catechism and believe in infant baptism. In contrast, Assemblies of God believe only someone who expresses faith should be baptized in water by faith leaders and by the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues, or a heavenly language. They do not have their own catechisms.

Eastern Orthodox Beliefs

Like the Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox church believes it is the original, pre-denominational church, especially in areas where the Eastern Roman Empire once reigned. This church agrees with much of Catholic and Protestant theology concerning who Jesus is and what he did. However, many of their traditions and worship practices draw on the Eastern cultures that were once part of the Eastern Roman Empire. For example, priests speak in Koine Greek and Church Slavonic during communion.

Like the Protestant church, Eastern Orthodox churches technically have additional denominations. However, these are often different national or geographical titles, and there are few belief differences between them.

These three different branches of Christian denominations all agree about Jesus, the main character of the Bible. No matter which branch or denomination you belong to or why you’re reading the Bible, our Bible shop can help you find the right Bible. You’ll find beautiful KJV Bibles, helpful Christian books, and various church supplies to fit your needs.