Top Tips for Preparing Your First Sermon
Studying God’s Word in a communal setting often includes a sermon. Most of the time, an ordained pastor gives the sermon. However, sometimes pastors invite seminary students, Bible study teachers, missionaries, and other laypeople to preach a sermon. This is a good but serious opportunity. The following top tips for preparing your first sermon can help you preach well.
Prepare as Early as Possible
Some people approach preparing a sermon like they would studying for a test. They want the information fresh in their mind, so they wait until closer to the event to prepare. However, the first sermon can be nerve-wracking. You should prepare as early as possible, even months in advance, to ensure you have plenty of time for study, prayer, and practice.
Choose a Text You Can Confidently Exegete
A head pastor may assign the text you’re supposed to preach on or you may need to align your sermon with a particular series. However, most of the time, the Scripture choice is up to you. While all Scripture is important, don’t try to challenge yourself with your first sermon. Choose a passage of text that you know well and care about, one you can confidently exegete. Preaching about the passage is different than studying it on your own, but your familiarity with the text will certainly help your confidence.
Pray Without Ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing.” While this verse applies to every part of our lives, it’s especially important to follow during sermon preparation. The point of any sermon, including your first one, is to point people to God. Praying while you study and prepare can help keep this good goal at the center of your sermon.
Ask for Advice
Preparing a sermon is hard. Even ordained, experienced pastors check references and ask others for advice. You can, too. Read trustworthy sources related to the passage you’ve chosen. Ask your pastor, a mentor, or a Christian peer for advice about the passage, exegesis, or even just a funny story to open with. They will likely be glad to help you as you prepare for this important undertaking.
Write Notes in Your Bible
Most people who preach don’t memorize everything; they preach from notes. You can store notes anywhere, from flashcards on the pulpit to a TV screen at the back of a church to inside your Bible. We recommend writing sermon notes within the margins of your Bible. Writing notes in your Bible keeps your notes close to the source, so everything is easily accessible. Keeping your notes here also allows you to look back on your first sermon when you read your Bible later.
Practice Aloud Beforehand
Our last top tip for preparing your first sermon is to practice the sermon aloud before you preach it to an audience. Your sermon should last around half an hour. Practicing for half an hour may sound like a long time, but it will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the flow and figure out if you need to make any changes, such as adding a funny anecdote or reminding people which Scripture you’re reading from.
Congratulations on this opportunity to preach! As you strive to follow these tips, consider buying a new Bible to celebrate and help store your notes. The KJV Store offers KJV wide-margin Bibles that make it easy to keep your notes handy during this special occasion and any future preaching opportunities.