Babylon Religion

Chick Publications

SKU: 9780758906311

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Author: David W. Daniels

Learn how a Babylonian goddess became the Virgin Mary.

The Virgin Mary, worshiped the whole world over, is actually an ancient pagan goddess.

Over the last century, researchers of all kinds have uncovered many clues to this mystery...but few have put those pieces together...until now.

Sample Pages

Combining research from anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, art history, mythology and even occultic sources, you will see, in plain language, how Satan's ancient religion of Babylon still lives today as modern Roman Catholicism – the most powerful religious and secular force on the planet.

An ancient pagan goddess sits in the Vatican, steadily bringing all religions under her control. Are you under her spell? Are your family or loved ones? What can you do about it?  The answers are in this book.

Table of Contents:

Why Should You Read This Book?

Chapter 1: From Noah to Nimrod

  • As It Was in the Days of Noah
  • The Great Flood
  • Be Fruitful and Multiply
  • Relationship Restored - But Not for Long
  • From Adam to Lamech
  • From Noah to Abraham
  • Ham's Children
  • The Tower of "Babble"
  • Something to Consider
  • One King to Rule Them All
  • Nimrod's True Colors
  • Shem's Righteous Revenge

Chapter 2: Satan's Plan for Semiramis

  • Semiramis Gets Religion
  • A Lesson from the Garden
  • Heavenly Queen?
  • A Counterfeit Fulfillment Prophecy
  • Walls to Keep People Out—or In?
  • An Unholy Priesthood
  • The Confessional
  • Initiation into the "Mysteries"
  • How Tammuz Became a "god"
  • The Death of Semiramis

Chapter 3: The Spread of Babylon Religion

  • Secrets of Babylon Religion
  • The Selling of the "gods"
  • Spreading Babylon Religion—by the Calendar
  • Many Names—the Same "god"
  • The Hollywood of the Ancient World
  • The Changing of the "gods"—Nimrod
  • The Changing of the "gods"—Semiramis
  • The Changing of the "gods"—Tammuz
  • The Blending of the "gods"—Parent to Child
  • The Changing of the "gods"—Mother Goddess Religion
  • The Changing of the "gods"—Satan's Plan
  • The Changing of the "gods"—Satan's Problem
  • The Essence of Babylon Religion

Chapter 4: God's Plan for His People

  • The Devil's "Organized" Religion
  • God's People—For Better or For Worse
  • Rebuilding Babylon

Chapter 5: The True Fulfillment of the Prophecy

  • The Coming of the Promised Seed
  • Behold the Lamb of God!
  • The Temptations of Jesus
  • The Sacrifice of Jesus
  • You Can't Keep a Good Man Down
  • Jesus' Final Instructions
  • Jesus Ascends to Heaven
  • One Way!
  • The One True High Priest
  • One Way—And Many Ladders
  • Not Everyone That Saith, "Lord, Lord!"
  • The One God Is Looking For

Chapter 6: From Nero to Constantine

  • Nero Persecutes the Christians
  • God Preserves His Words in Antioch
  • Satan Uses Egypt—Again
  • Constantine's Pivotal Role
  • Tailoring the Truth
  • The "sun god" Changes Names
  • Constantine Creates Catholicism
  • Satan's "holey bible"
  • No Further Need for Constantine

Chapter 7: Babylon Religion—Revivied!

  • The Final Preparations
  • The Transformation of Semiramis
  • The Transformation of "Jesus"
  • Deceiving & Being Deceived
  • The Mother of Harlots
  • Semiramis in Arabia
  • A Multitude of Marys
  • A "Tiny Little" Inquisition
  • Satan's Triumph
  • The Dirty Birdcage
  • The New Home of the sun god
  • Conclusion
  • The Call of Jesus

End Notes
Annotated Bibliography
Index of Subjects
