This concordance is a larger print version of the the most accurate, truly exhaustive Strong's updated by John Kohlenberger along with James Swanson and compiled and verified by computer technology. In this edition, longstanding errors from the original have been corrected and omissions filled in as well as word studies have been simplified and special care has been taken to maximize the thoroughness and ease of use. The larger type makes this concordance easy to read.
- Computer-verified accuracy
- Strong's numbering system
- Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes (gives access to the growing library of reference tools that use these #'s)
- Most up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries
- Nave's Topical Bible Reference System-more
than 100,000 verses indexed by subject, word, phrase, synonym, and example
- Word counts for every word in the Bible
- Fast-Tab locators
- Words of Christ highlighted
- Maps
- Cear, easy-to-read type
- Smythe-sewn binding that opens fully, lays flat, and lasts longer
**Plus: information on comprehensive guidance to using the Strongest Strongs, major socail concerns of the Mosaic Covenant, Old Testament sacrifices, Hebrew calendar, Hebrew feasts and holy days, weights/lengths/measures of the Bible, kings of the Bible, harmony of the gospels, prophecies of the Messiah fulfilled in Jesus, parables of Jesus, miracles of Jesus, and chronology of the Bible