Tribulation Salvation: Jesus Still Saves

McCowen Mills

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McCowen Mills
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Author: Dr. Doug Stauffer

Many Christians consider the topic Tribulation Salvation irrelevant today. This thought seems logical since the Church’s Rapture will take place before the commencement of any part of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. Why should anyone expend time and energy debating such a subject today? The answer becomes evident when considering the multitude of future souls at stake. The sole hope for overcoming false gospel teachings in the “Tribulation” rests upon the truth of scripture—rightly divided.

The primary thesis of this book serves as an urgent warning for those alive AFTER the disappearance of Christians. False teachings during this time will be multifaceted, with most involving intensified deception. The most damnable claim will be that a man must sell his soul to provide for himself or his family. False messengers will perpetuate this satanic heresy to deceive and destroy souls. Yet, God can, and God will supply supernatural protection, but how and for whom? Can anyone KNOW the truth for sure? Yes you can!

Introduction to the Book

Most astute Bible teachers understand that several distinctions exist between salvation before the cross and salvation following it. This phenomenon is known as Dispensational Salvation. Briefly, things that are different are not the same. Old Testament salvation, Church Age salvation, and “Tribulation” salvation are not to be equated as uniform and equal because there exist real and definable differences.

For instance, those who take the Mark of the Beast are assured eternal damnation while still alive; no such irreversible condemnation exists during the Church Age. Today, “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20b). While obvious and definable distinctions exist, the teacher must avoid emphasizing things beyond the bounds set by God. For instance:

•No one since God first created man can or will earn or help sustain his salvation.

•No one since God first created man can or will merit salvation.

•No one since God first created man can or will have the opportunity to boast for playing even the smallest part of his salvation.

•No one since God first created man has trusted in anything but a merciful and gracious God for his soul’s salvation.

•Lastly, heresy in one age has never become respectable doctrine in another.

This book primarily focuses upon salvation after the Rapture of the Church. This period, called the time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), is like no other ever faced by man. For this reason, God uses extraordinary measures to protect His saints from the soul-destroying deception. Without God’s supernatural intervention and exceptional means, God’s people could never withstand Satan’s deception concerning the Mark of the Beast.

Those who attempt to minimize the extent of the deception and its effectiveness are mere pawns of the Great Deceiver (2 John 1:7) who will be responsible for the condemnation of future souls. Unfortunately, these same blind guides even attempt to minimize the absolute necessity of God’s protective intervention during the most ominous time known to man.

This study delves into pertinent areas of disagreement among Bible teachers in hopes that a better understanding of the entire Bible will aid in grasping how a soul is saved in the future. Some of the many questions answered in this book:

•Why is teaching on salvation after the Rapture so important to get right today?

•What do the two opposing sides teach concerning the salvation of the soul in the future?

•Why is it so important to get the terminology straight concerning the “Tribulation” period versus “Daniel’s Seventieth Week”?

•How does studying Old Testament salvation aid in understanding the salvation of a soul following the Rapture?

•Why is such an emphasis placed upon distinguishing between salvation of the soul and physical salvation of the body?

•What terminology does the Bible use to indicate the fruit of salvation in every Age?

•What does the Bible mean when it refers to knowing the Lord?

•Why are grace and works for salvation of the soul considered mutually exclusive from each other?

•What is the identity of the overcomers?

•How do the overcomers overcome?

•Is salvation in the future exclusively by the blood, or does it also include man’s good works plus their faith?

•Who keeps the commandments and for what expressed purposes are the commandments kept?

•What are the various titles that God bestows upon “Tribulation” believers?

•How does God supernaturally protect those alive during Daniel’s Seventieth Week?

•Why might self-defence be prohibited in the future age?

•How are some teachers propagating a type of Lordship Salvation by adding works to faith for salvation in the future age?

•How are unbelievers induced into taking the Mark of the Beast?

•Why is there such an emphasis concerning deception during Daniel’s Seventieth Week?

•Will there be multitudes really saved after the Rapture?

•What does the Bible mean by “endure unto the end”?

•What is the “strong delusion” sent by God that deceives the lost?

•How are people saved after the Rapture?

•Do those in Daniel’s Seventieth Week need to trust in God or trust in self?

This book answers these questions and many many more. Keep in mind that God is not a God of contradictions. Never trust unproven teachings that come from dogmatic assertions based on personal loyalty to anything apart from Almighty God. No individual is worth sacrificing the truth on the altar of misplaced loyalties and manufactured allegiances. God deserves our single-minded devotion.

Keep in mind that preachers are sometimes guilty of making the silliest of faux pas. These gaffes generally happen when men become increasingly insulated from constructive criticism and godly counsel. One such example concerns the contrived distinctions between so-called laymen (or laity) and clergy (or cleric). No Bible believer should express any acceptance for the false laity/clergy distinctions.

Religious institutions invented these designations to construct unbiblical hierarchical systems controlled by men at the top. Religions elevated one class of men over another to control the masses by exalting the few. They promoted the so-called clergy over the so-called laity.

Only the novice fails to realize that “laymen” and “laity” come from God’s rebuke concerning the deeds and doctrines of the Nicolaitans which He hates (Revelation 2:6, Revelation 2:15). Any preacher who finds himself on any man-made pedestal or perch should descend with determination and haste. The church is in desperate need of servants and has no more room for self-appointed saviors.

My prayer for this book is twofold:

1) that it will reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

2) Men will let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.
